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    Let's re-elect Pima County Attorney Conover. Laura represents all of us. Stands for the environment and social justice. But who does Mike Jette represent? His finance reports show he’s backed by Republican donors, especially real estate developers.

      Managing to be simultaneously both racist and sexist, a Green Valley reader alleges Vice President Harris will be the Democratic presidential nominee because she will be “the first black woman†running for president and a “DEI fill in,†and urges us to "be careful."

        Project 2025 includes proposed attacks on women’s health care, civil rights, immigration, Social Security, Medicare, and more. It also proposes defunding the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (PBS and NPR).

          In 2019, the non-partisan GovTrack.us group that tracks legislative bills in Congress, ranked Senator Kamala Harris as the "most liberal compared to all 100 Senators." More liberal than Socialist Bernie Sanders. She has a 100% rating by pro abortion rights group Planned Parenthood Action Fun…

            In Judge Wendy Million’s wonderful opinion piece about what is being done to prevent domestic violence in Tucson, I noticed that the Pima County Attorney’s Office was not mentioned as one of the collaborators. It is my understanding that they used to be a prime mover in that effort—until Lau…

              Already the naysayers, Republicans?, have started weighing in on Kamala's qualifications for the Presidency. One recent letter states that "she showed no remarkable legal activity" Also "nothing notable in legislative accomplishment". I can only assume that in the naysayers minds that no wom…

              Before heading off to North Korea last week, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a “peace†offering to Ukraine. He pledged an immediate cease-fire and peace negotiations if Ukraine withdraws from four partially occupied regions and abandons its bid to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. His other stipulation, of course, is that the West lift sanctions. This offer was patently ...

              After the supposed pivot in his campaign’s tone following the attempt on his life, former president Trump says he’s “not going to be nice†in his contest against Vice President Harris. Veuer’s Matt Hoffman has the story.


              President Biden has dropped out of the campaign and endorsed VP Kamala Harris. Biden has experienced a cognitive and physical decline that he, his White House handlers, and VP Harris have continually denied. Her covering up of this frankly posed a threat to our national security. Loyalty is …

              The recent claim by Justine Wadsack that she needed to drive her Tesla faster as the battery was low is totally without fact. Having driven Teslas for over 4 years and over 35,000 miles, slower speed conserves battery energy.

              I am deeply troubled about news reports that President Biden has renominated Lauren McFerran to serve on the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) several months before her term is actually set to expire. The move seems designed to put politics over the needs of small business owners and emp…

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